Advanced Electrolisys
Advanced Electrolisys
Advanced electrolisys is used for effective and safe blemish removal. Advanced Electrolysis is a treatment that uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle. Depending on the type of blemish being treated, I will either cauterize or lift away the superficial epidermis . Very effective treatment with instant results in reducing imperfections as red veins, skin tags, milia.
Any active infection near the site, or are feeling unwell in any way
History of abnormal scarring (such as keloid)
Using retinol or undergoing other advanced facials/ lasers
A poorly controlled medical condition
Allergic to any ingredient/ product used
Bleeding disorders or autoimmune disease
Are pregnant or breastfeeding
Are taking steroids, antibiotics
Are taking medicines that affect bleeding, such as aspirin or warfarin