The Flex MD is a certified medical device, tested against stringent quality, safety and efficacy standards and independently verified to deliver against medical claims. Featuring the most clinically proven wavelengths backed by science:
Red (633nm): Promotes skin repair, renewal, and rejuvenation.
Near-Infrared (830nm): Targets deeper cells for complex skin conditions.
Blue (415nm): Boosts collagen production, destroys acne-causing bacteria, reduces inflammation, and accelerates healing.
Effective treatment with no downtime that can be performed all year round.
Fantastic results being performed alone and fab add on to any face treatment to add more powerful results.
LED light therapy is a very safe treatment, but it is not recommended if you have any of the following:
Any active infection near the site, or are feeling unwell in any way
Epilepsy or seizures triggered by light
Lupus Erythematous
Polymorphic light Eruption
Photosensitive Eczema
Active Cancers
Using retinol or undergoing other advanced facials/ lasers
A poorly controlled medical condition
Bleeding disorders or autoimmune disease
Are pregnant or breastfeeding
Are taking steroids
Are taking medicines that affect bleeding, such as aspirin or warfarin
Please note : consent of medical practitioner might be required prior to treatment if client has any non listed above medical conditions /undergoing treatments/ medications,